"The words that we attach to our experiences become our experience."


Into The Gloss

{Clinique's new Bottom Lash Mascara}
I don't have a lot of time to post right now, so I decided I'll share a little something that I read today instead.

Into the Gloss is a blog I check regularly, and if you're a fashion/beauty girl you'll quickly become addicted.  Their posts discuss fashion and beauty from the inside, which they define as the fashion industry and my particular favorite, the street.  The posts include some really fascinating interviews with stylists, models, designers or even famous DJs about their beauty regimens or fashion tips.  Today's post struck me because it was all about mascara: my makeup staple.

Check it out for yourself here.  I hope you enjoy!


Is it Thursday Already?

Wow.  This week actually flew by for me!

I know I've been MIA so let me explain...

The last time you heard from me I had come down with a lovely case of pink eye.  Turns out I got sick as a dog for the weekend, ended up with pink eye in both my eyes and some version of a flu, or a head cold or I don't even know what.  Whatever it was, I was in bed for the entire weekend.  And yes, this means I rang in my 21st birthday like a wild child...in bed.

As part of some birthday miracle however, I woke up Monday morning with the pink eye(s) pretty much looking back to normal, and I was able to get out of bed and enjoy my birthday.  I went out for a nice dinner, ordered a margarita and was extremely upset that they didn't ask me to show I.D.

By Tuesday, I was feeling totally better and got to celebrate my birthday with my friends.  We had a great time. (I'll tell you all of the good and the silly details in tomorrow's post)

In between all the celebrating, I did have to make time for the fact that it was 4oclock week here at Lehigh, which is just a less intimidating way of saying exam week.  Two fabulous birthday celebrations and three exams later brings me to today!

I don't have any pictures from my birthday available yet, but I do have pictures from a few weeks back when I was home for the day.  My mom snapped some photos of me in our yard, and since I haven't lived up to my promise of outfit posts (I'm sorry!) I'll post this half-decent outfit for you.
{Forever 21 Shirt, Leggings, Jeffrey Campbell booties, Sister's boyfriend's ski socks}


The Good and The Silly

It's Friday!  Let's go over some of the good and the silly that's on my mind right now...

the good:
-I have successfully studied in advance for my exams next week
-I just received a beautiful birthday card in the mail from my sisters (see above)
-I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt in February woo woo
-I gave my room a great cleaning this morning
-I will be receiving visits from several members of my family this weekend being that it's my birthday!

the silly:
-I woke up with a severe case of Conjunctivitis, aka the dreaded PINK eye
-I'm studying at my desk with one eye open since my eye is so sore
-My teacher actually stopped his lecture at one point the other day to ask me to stop sneezing.  He was kidding, but stillllll
-I still haven't stopped thinking about minx nails
-The fact that I have an absolute aversion to mustard but these pants may be helping me to get over it quickly.

Have a good weekend! xxx

{Aren't they the best? p.s. I miss them too!}


The Little White Dress

The little black dress is a classic wardrobe staple that I will forever adore.  Albeit, it's the little white dress that has caught my attention more recently.

For as long as I can remember, I've been a fan of clean, crisp white clothing.  Each year as spring and summer roll around, I am always on the lookout for great white jeans, t-shirts, shorts, bikinis, you name it.  This year is no different, with the exception of the fact that I've added the little white dress into the mix.  The minimalism of a white dress is something that I believe to be perfectly chic.

The little black dress is known for its sleek sex appeal, but the little white dress is probably more appealing for its versatility; it can be worn during the daytime and nighttime, which is something I don't believe the little black dress offers.  We all assume the woman in the black dress is immediately noticeable, but the woman in the white dress just may be more salient in the upcoming seasons.

1. Nasty Gal Belle Chiffon Dress
2. Nasty Gal Slice Of Heaven Dress
3. Miss Selfridge Cream Mesh Dress
4. American Apparel Tank Dress
5. Topshop White Sheer Shift Sleeve Dress (try saying that 3x fast- some serious alliteration)
6. Nasty Gal Cloud Nine Cutout Dress
7. Urban Outfitters Sparkle and Fade Shirtdress


An Unhealthy Obsession?

It's safe to say that I have achieved an unhealthy relationship with nail art in the past 48 hours.

It all started when my older sister sent me a text as she was on her way to a nail appointment.  She told me she was finally getting the minx manicure that she had always wanted in honor of her trip to Miami this upcoming weekend.  Like my sister, I have always been a fan of minx but have never had the opportunity to have a minx experience.

A few snapshots from her appointment was all it took for me to be insanely jealous.  The final product (above) seriously makes her fingernails look as though they have been dipped in gold - it's amazing.

My sister's minx appointment got me thinking about all sorts of nail art.  Several Google searches later, I was hooked.  My particular favorite is the nail art seen on DJ Harley Viera-Newton, as seen here in a post by Into The Gloss.

Since I'm sure it will be a long time until I actually have my first minx or nail art experience, I will be brainstorming ideas in the meantime.  Already I've become keen on the idea of rhinestones on every finger.  Wouldn't it be fabulous if I could get a little birthday theme going for my upcoming birthday?  If only...


Date Night

Well, I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's day.  Whether or not you had someone special to celebrate with, Valentine's Day is always a fun day to get dressed up and go out for a good dinner.  Who doesn't love an excuse to do either of those things?

My friend Laura and I were so excited to get dolled up for our respective nights out that I decided to do a joint outfit post for us!  We were both trying to get a little extra dolled up last night because we tend to rush around during our busy days in our gym clothes and needed that little boost.

Laura has an amazing fashion sense. I drool over some of the items in her closet.  Not to mention, I think she's a little blogger in the making, or at least she has great ideas if she were to become one.  Laura actually gave me the brilliant idea to start featuring some of our friends in my posts.  She suggested I post about different trends we see our friends trying out and encourage others to try them.  Honestly, why didn't I think of that sooner?  I can't wait to start incorporating my friends into my posts. I'm probably going to start with Laura soon, and I look forward to diving into her closet with her.

Fashion sense aside, Laura is a phenomenal individual.  If I had to pick one word to describe her I would absolutely choose leader.  Laura's presence in a room is outstanding, and her passion for everything she does simply amazes me.  I don't know how she accomplishes all that she does in a day and still makes time to be my friend.