"The words that we attach to our experiences become our experience."


My Quest for Personal Style

{Shoes: Aldo, Vest: Forever 21, Shirt: H&M, Leggings: VS}
I know I hinted that I'd be writing a post regarding personal style, so let me explain...

For starters, I cannot stop looking at personal style blogs.  I swear it has become the worst guilty pleasure that I have ever taken interest in.  There are at least five personal style blogs that I check on a daily basis.  As if that's not enough, I tend to click through a bunch of random comments on these blogs in the hopes of coming across any new blog that I can be addicted to.  I think I've convinced myself that the complete strangers whom I read about are my friends.  I want need to know what they're wearing everyday and what inspires them.

These personal style blogs are really getting to me.  I daydream about them while I try to study or sit in class, I scroll through them at night in bed until my eyes are watering from starring at the computer screen...and then I keep starring.  I've even texted my sisters at times in fear that I have an actual addiction and need some kind of help or something (luckily, they've reassured me that I'm wrong).   

It seems crazy, but I am so envious of these women who have achieved a sense of their own personal style and are able to convey it so well with incredible outfit posts.  These are women who are experts in my two favorite vices: fashion and social media.  How could I not have a slight obsession with them? 

That being said, I've created a new goal for myself: I'm going to define my personal style better.  I don't know how I'll do this, and it's definitely easier said than done.  However, I'm hopeful that this will help me to stop obsessing.  I'm really pretty excited about it.  And, beginning today I'm going to start doing outfit posts!  So bear with me along the way because I'm sure some days will be better than others.

I've started my personal style quest by asking myself what I think personal style is.  I don't know if I'll ever really define it, but I do think it is all about taking risks.  If you want to be a master of personal style you cannot be afraid.

Lucky for me, I don't think personal style is about the budget you have.  Creativity and being resourceful is definitely key in a defining sense of style as well.

With that in mind, I will begin my quest.  Wish me luck.

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