"The words that we attach to our experiences become our experience."


Is it Thursday Already?

Wow.  This week actually flew by for me!

I know I've been MIA so let me explain...

The last time you heard from me I had come down with a lovely case of pink eye.  Turns out I got sick as a dog for the weekend, ended up with pink eye in both my eyes and some version of a flu, or a head cold or I don't even know what.  Whatever it was, I was in bed for the entire weekend.  And yes, this means I rang in my 21st birthday like a wild child...in bed.

As part of some birthday miracle however, I woke up Monday morning with the pink eye(s) pretty much looking back to normal, and I was able to get out of bed and enjoy my birthday.  I went out for a nice dinner, ordered a margarita and was extremely upset that they didn't ask me to show I.D.

By Tuesday, I was feeling totally better and got to celebrate my birthday with my friends.  We had a great time. (I'll tell you all of the good and the silly details in tomorrow's post)

In between all the celebrating, I did have to make time for the fact that it was 4oclock week here at Lehigh, which is just a less intimidating way of saying exam week.  Two fabulous birthday celebrations and three exams later brings me to today!

I don't have any pictures from my birthday available yet, but I do have pictures from a few weeks back when I was home for the day.  My mom snapped some photos of me in our yard, and since I haven't lived up to my promise of outfit posts (I'm sorry!) I'll post this half-decent outfit for you.
{Forever 21 Shirt, Leggings, Jeffrey Campbell booties, Sister's boyfriend's ski socks}


  1. Wow! You look absolutely adorable, I love this outfit. How killer are those boots you have!? so jealous!!


  2. Shirt looks familiar... KRISTINE!
